


Emily developed a love affair with Nepal during a three month volunteering as a Physiotherapist in Kathmandu. Emily continues her connection to this Himalayan kingdom and is passionate about sharing its wonders with others.


Emily is the founder and director of PhysiYoga Strathalbyn (Adelaide Hills). Emily is a Certified ConnectTherapy Practitioner who is passionate about helping people enjoy being active. Using ConnectTherapy to assess and treat the whole person, Emily helps people who are struggling with pain or when their body isn’t feeling right and not allowing them to do the things they love.


What constitutes 'good' movement? Half day intensives are designed for yoga teachers and students to dive deeper into how and why we move the way we do. Learn alignment principles based on sound anatomy and biomechanics and transferable to any yoga lineage.

Therapeutic Immersions

Therapeutic Immersions are longer workshops held locally or in exotic locations over a few days. The aim is to provide an individually tailored approach to mindful movement practice for each person. You will leave with a greater understanding of the underlying the road blocks in your wellness goals.